Faenza 1.1 Adds Many New Icons, Better Integrated With Ubuntu Unity

Faenza Icons Theme is kind of an household name among Linux folks. It definitely is one of the best looking icon themes for Ubuntu. Faenza Icons Theme 1.1 brings in a number of new brilliant looking icons and is also better integrated with Ubuntu Oneiric's new Unity UI.

Faenza Icons Theme 1.1
  • New supported applications include Gnome documents, Gnome contacts, Gnome online accounts, Gnome freecell, Clementine, Onboard, preferences-color, Screenruler, Scribes, Steam, Tracker, Wunderlist and Xterm.
  • Support for devices like tablets, network wired, network wireless, VPN, system harddisk.
  • New status icons and two brand new themes (Faenza-Ambiance and Faenza-Radiance) for better integration with Unity in Ubuntu 11.10.
How to Install Faenza 1.1 in Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot?
  • Do the following in Terminal.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tiheum/equinox
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install faenza-icon-theme
  • Done. Faenza Icons theme is successfully installed. 
  • And that's my Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot running Faenza 1.1. Have a nice day.